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3 student trustees

Student Trustees for 2024 / 2025

(March 1, 2024) The Algoma District School Board (ADSB) approved the appointment of three new Student Trustees for the 2024/2025 school year. They are Addy McEachren from Chapleau High School, Cameron Ciotti from White Pines C&VS and Georgia-June Abel from White Pines C&VS as our Indigenous Student Trustee. All appointments become effective as of August 1, 2024.
child jumping on bed

Student Accident Insurance

(September 2024) Accidents can and do happen! Each year, many families are left financially unprotected when their children are injured at school, on field trips, while participating in non-school activities, or at home.

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Confident learners, caring citizens.


In partnership with our stakeholders, the Algoma District School Board will create a collaborative learning community where all flourish as confident learners who see themselves as capable, self-directed and open to learning and as caring citizens who value good character and contribute positively to our communities.


We are guided by:
ADSB character traits; lifelong learning;
empathy; ethical relationships;
equity & inclusion; accountability